KM Tips

Dr. Mike Prevou on Experiential Classrooms and Advanced Blended Learning

September 2012 — Dr. Eileen Godinez interviews Mike Prevou about techniques he has used to create an experiential classroom and a blended learning environment.

In this video, Dr. Prevou talks about putting the learning “in the moment” and forcing students to think through decision criteria, weigh options, and act. Length 17 minutes 49 seconds.


By |September 30th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments

John Nelson, SKS Partner, on Community of Practice Life Cycle Metrics

Fall 2009 — Do you need to measure the value your Communities of Practice bring to your organization?

In this presentation by John Nelson, he outlines various metrics that can be used to assess performance during different stages of a community’s lifecycle.  This simple and easy approach provides a practical framework to link communities to organizational objectives and measure value.



By |October 1st, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments