Expertise Development


Expertise is about knowledge and experience, and master-level expertise normally takes 10-12 years to achieve.

SKS can help you build deep expertise faster. 

We have pioneered learning and teaming methodologies that reduce the time needed to develop expertise, helping your workforce be more productive in less time. We can help you design and implement a learning environment that narrows the gap between experts and novices through:

  • Knowledge elicitation and expertise transfer
  • Effective onboarding and offboarding
  • Communities of Practice
  • Continuity program management
  • Guided deliberate practice
  • Judgment exercises and decision games
  • Digital stories and virtual simulations

AdobePDFIconCommunities of Practice are the “killer app” of knowledge management and expertise development. Click here to learn how communities can help your organization…
We can help you capture, retain, and transfer lessons learned, best practices, and the tacit knowledge that resides in the heads of your skilled and more senior workforce. Our methods address both the behavioral and cognitive components of expertise and transform those components into effective training programs.

On the SKS Approach to Expertise Development…

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into the session but was very pleased and found it to be a very worthwhile activity.  I think [Holly] did a great job facilitating the discussion and I was surprised at how much new info I got from the session from someone I’ve talked to almost every day for five years.
“I thought the session was very valuable as it allow me to see what information/knowledge about my job/position was of importance to my successor’s.  This will allow me to tailor my future interactions to address these areas in more depth and clarity.”
Although I talk to [expert] on a daily basis, we rarely talk about the ‘soft skills’ topics discussed during the KT session.
Initially, I was questioning the value gained from a ½ day session with the interviewee using this approach versus having the opportunity to ask the interviewee very specific technical questions.  However, after sitting through the session, what I found was that the use of vignettes, coupled with the facilitator’s ability to invoke more ‘deep thought’, has convinced me that this activity is worthwhile.
Engineer-in-Training, Knowledge Transfer Workshop
I think the main value from having a mediator in the room is to provide direction.  I wonder, if we had a list of canned items to discuss,  whether we might not have gotten over 50% of the new information that [succcessor] found valuable.

For more information on how we can help your organization develop expertise faster, contact us.