If you are experiencing trouble with an SKS survey hosted by Survey Monkey, attempt these troubleshooting steps. If following these steps doesn’t solve your problem, please contact Mike Hower for support. Phone 719-447-7487 or email.
Survey Troubleshooting Procedure
Many of the problems we encounter with surveys are caused by individual Network Control Center (NCC) access restrictions, or how software is configured on local machines. This is especially problematic for surveys with military audiences, as the NIPRNET is tightly controlled.
Fortunately, most of the problems have easy workarounds.
Step #1 – Make sure Outlook is displaying HTML.
Outlook can be configured to automatically convert embedded links to text. If this happens, a yellow or white warning bar appears at the top of the email frame. Click the message and select the option to display HTML and show the content.
Occasionally, email security settings are so tight that users don’t have this option. If this is the case, scroll to the bottom of the message and see if there is a SurveyMonkey link next to the words “Begin Survey.” If so, click the link for access.
Step #2 – Outlook displays “If there are problems with how this message is displayed, click here to view it in web browser.”
This is also a security setting issue. Click the message and select “View in Browser” to resolve.
Step #3 – Outlook displays “Click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of some pictures in this message.”
When this happens, recipients may not be able to see the “Begin Survey” button/link. Click the message and select “Download Pictures” to resolve.
Step #4 – Clicking the Begin Survey button results in a blank window, or a message indicating Internet Explorer cannot display the web page.
This often results because a NCC has prevented https:// connections to non-trusted sites. This does not mean our site is corrupt. To solve this problem, right click the “Begin Survey” button and copy the hyperlink. Open a new browser window, paste in the hyperlink, and change the first characters from “https://” to “http://” to resolve.
Step #5 – If all of the above steps fail, users may take the survey via web link.
Weblinks to our current surveys are found below:
USACE KM Landscape Survey – http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/USACEKMSurvey
Note that accessing surveys via weblink is not the preferred option, as users will not be able to return and edit responses at a later date.